[アンチウィルス][Windows] Windows10 1903とAvira Antivirusの組み合わせだとCPUを無駄に消費する その2





To clear this issue, you will need to make sure that all traces of the Avira software are removed from your computer, and then perform a clean install as following:

1. Download our Registry Cleaner by clicking here;
2. Restart your computer in safe mode. In case you need instructions, please click here to view the article;
3. Run the downloaded Registry Cleaner program (Refer to Step 1) by clicking on RegCleaner.exe.
4. After clicking on Scan for keys, activate the option Select all and click on Delete.
5. Navigate to Computer-Local Disk C-Program Files(x86)-Avira and delete the Avira folder.
6. Navigate to Computer-Local Disk C-Program Data-Avira and delete the Avira folder.
Note: The Program Data folder is usually hidden; therefore, please follow the steps from this article to make it visible.
7. Restart your Computer into Windows normal mode; your Avira product should be completely removed now.
8. Click here to open the Avira Connect page and sign in with your email address and password. Once logged in, you can download and reinstall your product from your subscriptions.



手近なノートPCでWindows10 1903 (May 2019 update)にした上でAvira Antivirusをインストールする限りでは同様の症状が発生しなかったので、機体固有の問題とされちゃうかもですね・・・



うつ病を患いながら、IT業界の末席にいるおっさんエンジニア。科学計算をしたことがないのに、HPC分野にお邪魔している。興味のある分野で学習したことをblogにまとめつつ、うつ病の経過症状のメモも置いておく日々。じつはRouterboard User Group JPの中の人でもある。 Amazon欲しいものリスト / Arm板を恵んでくれる人募集中
