[VirtualBox][仮想化] VirtualBox 5.0 rc3 がリリース。

VirtualBox 5.0 Release Candidate 3 released - virtualbox.org



VirtualBox 5.0 will be a new major release. Here is an incomplete list of changes since VirtualBox 5.0 Release Candidate 2:
•VMM: fixed a problem with large pages in Hyper-V (see here)
•VMM: when using the KVM PV provider, use the same frequency for all VCPUs. This will fix slow boots on certain hosts.
•VMM: fixed a hang under certain conditions for SMP guests (32-bit hosts only)
•VMM: several fixes
•AHCI: fixed a crash during shutdown under rare conditions
•AHCI: fixed crash as a result of I/O errors in certain conditions (bug #13105)
•Audio: fixed a VM hang with the ALSA backend with certain ALSA configurations
•VGA: fixed loading of saved state if 2D Video Acceleration is enabled (see here)
•GUI: apply user interface settings from corresponding page only after pressing OK, not instantly on-the-fly (see here)
•GUI: remember size-hints and enabled/disabled states for secondary guest-screens in multi-screen setups on VM restart
•Drag and drop: various fixes for KDE-based guests
•Drag and drop: added transferring plain text to Windows guests
•Drag and drop: fixed transferring large files from host to Linux/Unix guests
•Guest Control: several fixes
•Mac OS X hosts: El Capitan fixes
•Additions/Linux: added -s parameter to mount.vboxsf to be sloppy with invalid parameters (see here)

Linux/ Unixのゲストにホスト、およびその他の大きなファイルの転送、VMMの多くの問題を修正し、KDEベースのゲストのためのドラッグ&ドロップでさまざまな問題に対処したそうです。




うつ病を患いながら、IT業界の末席にいるおっさんエンジニア。科学計算をしたことがないのに、HPC分野にお邪魔している。興味のある分野で学習したことをblogにまとめつつ、うつ病の経過症状のメモも置いておく日々。じつはRouterboard User Group JPの中の人でもある。 Amazon欲しいものリスト / Arm板を恵んでくれる人募集中
