[Linux][自分用メモ] 「Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring」の対処。



CentOS 6.3環境で、古くなった筐体から新しい筐体にHDDだけ移植した形で出た問題で、起動してネットワークが繋がらないなと思い、Networkサービスの再起動を実施したところ以下のメッセージが。

Device eth0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring


Dec 12 09:03:07 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:03:08 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:03:33 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:03:34 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:04:07 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:04:08 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:04:35 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:04:36 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:07:55 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:07:56 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:08:24 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifdown-eth: Device br0 has MAC address 06:54:0B:6E:07:91, instead of configured address 00:26:2D:F4:12:85. Ignoring.
Dec 12 09:08:25 diana /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup-eth: Device br0 has different MAC address than expected, ignoring.
Dec 12 09:09:11 diana kernel: e1000e 0000:00:19.0: eth0: MAC: 7, PHY: 8, PBA No: 1008FF-0FF




# This file was automatically generated by the /lib/udev/write_net_rules
# program, run by the persistent-net-generator.rules rules file.
# You can modify it, as long as you keep each rule on a single
# line, and change only the value of the NAME= key.

# PCI device 0x14e4:0x170c (b44)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:18:8b:aa:1c:22", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

# PCI device 0x8086:0x4222 (iwl3945)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:18:de:cc:bb:dd", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan0"

# PCI device 0x8086:0x10f5 (e1000e)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:26:2d:f4:12:85", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="eth*", NAME="eth0"

# PCI device 0x8086:0x423b (iwlwifi)
SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", DRIVERS=="?*", ATTR{address}=="00:16:eb:20:77:44", ATTR{type}=="1", KERNEL=="wlan*", NAME="wlan1"




うつ病を患いながら、IT業界の末席にいるおっさんエンジニア。科学計算をしたことがないのに、HPC分野にお邪魔している。興味のある分野で学習したことをblogにまとめつつ、うつ病の経過症状のメモも置いておく日々。じつはRouterboard User Group JPの中の人でもある。 Amazon欲しいものリスト / Arm板を恵んでくれる人募集中
