[Android][CyanogenMod] CyanogenMod-11-20140608-SNAPSHOT-M7が公開。


M7 Snapshotということで今までのnightly buildとは違い、若干安定性は高いと思います。

Replace deprecated string resources.
2014-06-09 at 07:47 am (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_InCallUI)

WhisperPush: Update strings.
2014-06-09 at 07:16 am (+09:00) (android_external_whispersystems_WhisperPush)

ppops: do not prune apps that are not present
2014-06-08 at 12:41 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

MtpDatabase JNI: Fixed a memory-leak in getObjectPropertyValue().
2014-06-08 at 12:40 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

Settings: Add compass tile (2/2)
2014-06-08 at 12:38 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Settings)

framework: Add compass tile (1/2)
2014-06-08 at 12:38 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

Settings: Move home answer & power end call options
2014-06-08 at 12:37 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Settings)

Changing getPdus to use provided senderAddress to construct PDUs
2014-06-08 at 12:35 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony)

settings: performance: Update get current values in Processor view
2014-06-08 at 12:34 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Settings)

reduce cookie tracking (3/4): add a way to count cookies
2014-06-08 at 12:27 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

reduce cookie tracking (4/4): onResume deletion of cookies
2014-06-08 at 12:27 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Browser)

reduce cookie tracking (1/4): add a way to count cookies
2014-06-08 at 12:26 pm (+09:00) (android_external_chromium_org)

reduce cookie tracking (2/4): add a way to count cookies
2014-06-08 at 12:19 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_webview)

screen_ui: Initialize text buffer
2014-06-08 at 12:11 pm (+09:00) (android_bootable_recovery-cm)

restore minui support for paletted images with < 8 bits
2014-06-08 at 12:10 pm (+09:00) (android_bootable_recovery-cm)

Fix memory leak when filtering commands in insertCommand_l()
2014-06-08 at 12:06 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_av)

Use alpha channel instead of red in drawCachedGlyphBitmap
2014-06-08 at 12:06 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

Correct stride for drawing to cached glyph bitmap
2014-06-08 at 12:06 pm (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

Deactivate the MiniThumbFile when it is not needed.
2014-06-08 at 12:04 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_providers_MediaProvider)

Don’t use ffdshow to downmix the audio stream
2014-06-08 at 12:03 pm (+09:00) (android_external_stagefright-plugins)

bluedroid: increase uhid report buffer size for wiimote
2014-06-08 at 11:56 am (+09:00) (android_external_bluetooth_bluedroid)

SystemUI: prevent NPE on clear recents double press
2014-06-08 at 11:56 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

Clean up cursors in try/finally
2014-06-08 at 11:55 am (+09:00) (android_packages_providers_MediaProvider)

Use round() instead of ceil() in calculation of a2dp vol slider position
2014-06-08 at 11:54 am (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Bluetooth)

stagefright: Fix mismerge
2014-06-08 at 11:21 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_av)

Add support for SIM availability in Flight Mode.
2014-06-08 at 11:15 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim)

Correctly handle card absent event during phone shutdown.
2014-06-08 at 11:15 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim)

Avoid DDS switch when changing sub selection between two apps in same slot.
2014-06-08 at 11:15 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim)

Fix the Subscription copy from method.
2014-06-08 at 11:15 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim)

Update subscription preferences when card is removed.
2014-06-08 at 11:15 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_opt_telephony-msim)

CameraTile: Launch default gallery app when long pressing active camera tile
2014-06-08 at 09:28 am (+09:00) (android_frameworks_base)

BrowserSettings: update desktop UA string to match Chrome 33
2014-06-07 at 02:01 pm (+09:00) (android_packages_apps_Browser)



うつ病を患いながら、IT業界の末席にいるおっさんエンジニア。科学計算をしたことがないのに、HPC分野にお邪魔している。興味のある分野で学習したことをblogにまとめつつ、うつ病の経過症状のメモも置いておく日々。じつはRouterboard User Group JPの中の人でもある。 Amazon欲しいものリスト / Arm板を恵んでくれる人募集中
