[Ubuntu][App] FlickrにUpload等行えるアプリ、Frogr が公開。




The latest stable version of Frogr 0.10 (released on June 17, 2014) currently features a basic -yet effective- flickr uploader:

Allow to upload pictures and videos to flickr, specifying details such as title, description, tags, visibility, content type, safety level and whether to “show up on global search results”.
Allow uploading pictures and videos from remote machines, through different protocols (SMB, SSH, FTP…).
Allow loading/saving the work session from/to ‘project’ files.
Allow setting specific licenses and geolocation information for pictures right from the desktop.
Allow specifying sets and group pools for the elements to be added to after the upload process.
Allow to create sets right from frogr, opposite to just adding elements to already existing ones.
Command line interface and integration as MIME type handler for pictures.
Import tags from picture’s metainformation (if present) when loading.
Support for handling multiple Flickr accounts.
Support for specifying HTTP proxies manually.
Integrated with GNOME Shell and the Mac OS X desktops.
Translated to many languages (Check frogr’s module at l10n)


1. Terminalを開いて以下のコマンドを実行する。

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mariospr/frogr
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install frogr
楽しいみんなの写真 -とにかく撮る、flickrで見る。ソーシャルメディア時代の写真の撮り方・楽しみ方
楽しいみんなの写真 -とにかく撮る、flickrで見る。ソーシャルメディア時代の写真の撮り方・楽しみ方
いしたにまさき,大山 顕

売り上げランキング : 297804

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