[ #mikrotik ][ #routerboard ] About RouterOS 6.13


The personal impression of the current situation.

Development of RouterOS 6.13 seems to go but, install / uninstall / enable / disable the package was no longer possible after becoming the rc.

But, it was confirmed that it is fixed in the development version was released in 2014/05/15.

Question Showing quickset from webdig is funny It would be nice if it is modified after …

Thank you.

In some rare cases it might be impossible to do any package managment
(upgrade/downgrade/enable/disable/uninstall/install) in 6.13rc13+ rc versions,
board will simply reboot itself staying on previous version

This is fixed for the release version of 6.13 (2014-May-15 14:33) and newer:

Please, use Netinstall to get up to release version from problematic Relece candidate versions.

What’s new in 6.13 (2014-May-15 16:03)::

*) console – comments are now accepted where new command can start, that is,
where ‘/’ or ‘:’ characters can be used to start new command, e.g.
/interface { # comment until the end of the line
*) backup – backups by default are encrypted now (with user password).
To use backup on older versions, you should disable encryption with dont-encrypt
flag when creating it;
*) files with ‘.sensitive.’ in the filename require ‘sensitive’
permission to manipulate;
*) lcd – reduce CPU usage when displaying static screens;
*) l2tp – fixed occasional server lockup;
*) pptp – fixed memory leak;
*) sstp – fixed crashes;



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