[Ubuntu][仮想化] UbuntuへのVirtualBox 4.2.22の導入方法。




1. オフィシャルのサイトからdebパッケージを導入する方法

Download_Old_Builds_4_2 – Oracle VM VirtualBox /

2. リポジトリから導入する場合は以下の手順を行う。

sudo sh -c 'echo "deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian $(lsb_release -sc) contrib" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/virtualbox.list'
wget -q http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian/oracle_vbox.asc -O- | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install virtualbox-4.2


  • GUI: Mac OS X host: introduced extradata option “GUI/HidLedsSync” aimed to enable HID LEDs synchronization (feature disabled by default)
  • GUI: Mac OS X host: fixed issue on MacBook Air/Pro hosts when GUI might freeze in attempt to synchronize HID LEDs
  • Main: always expose the DMI memory information to Windows 2012 guests (bug #12017)
  • HGCM: fixed crashes under certain conditions
  • Storage: fix for BLKCACHE_IOERR runtime errors under rare circumstances (bug #11030)
  • AHCI: fixed a bug which resulted in Windows XP guest hangs if a SATA CDROM is attached (bug #12417)
  • AHCI: fixed a Guru Meditation under certain conditions
  • E1000: if the cable was disconnected before the guest initialized the device, the link status was not properly set to ‘down’ after the initialization completed despite the fact that there was no connection
  • 3D support: fixed offset of guest 3D image elements (Mac OS X Retina hosts only; bug #11021)
  • 3D support: many fixes
  • Linux Additions: support Enterprise Linux 6.5 kernels (bug #12505)
  • Windows Additions: fixed guest crashes in in Shared Folders service under certain conditions


うつ病を患いながら、IT業界の末席にいるおっさんエンジニア。科学計算をしたことがないのに、HPC分野にお邪魔している。興味のある分野で学習したことをblogにまとめつつ、うつ病の経過症状のメモも置いておく日々。じつはRouterboard User Group JPの中の人でもある。 Amazon欲しいものリスト / Arm板を恵んでくれる人募集中
